Legacy of Service

Service Sponsorship – An Alternative Viewpoint

Service Sponsorship – An Alternative Viewpoint

DISCLAIMER:  Information in this post is being shared solely for educational purposes and to encourage readers to begin thinking for themselves about this topic. Several years ago, the General Service Conference approved revisions to the A.A. pamphlet, "Questions and Answers on Sponsorship" to add a new section on service sponsorship (page 25 of the pamphlet). ...

Service… Service… Service…

Service… Service… Service…

“Even if you get what you want, you’re gonna see the limitations of it – until you lead a life of significance.” – Viola Davis If you look up the definition of the word “service” in the dictionary, one definition you’ll find is, “an act of helpful activity.”  What appears to be implicit in that …

What Is The General Service Conference?

What Is The General Service Conference?

In a bit of a followup to my post on 02/21/22 about “Leadership in A.A.,” I wanted to share a little about A.A.’s General Service Conference to help members better understand what it is and why it’s important we have it. Before we get into it, let’s see what the A.A. Service Manual says about the …

Leadership in A.A.

Leadership in A.A.

Good morning family, At my home group's monthly Traditions Study last night, we were studying: Tradition 2 The importance of the group conscience, and How in A.A., we do HAVE leaders - but not necessarily in the traditional sense of the word I shared a quick quote from one of Bill's writings in Concept 9 ...

A Servants Heart

A Servants Heart

In the chapter, We Agnostics, we’ve all read about the bedevilments. I was reading that passage again recently with a new sponsee that I’m taking through the Steps and one of the eight (8) bedevilments listed, “we couldn’t seem to be of real help to other people,” really stood out to me. I was reminded …