Legacy of Recovery

Willingness Born Out of Desperation

Willingness Born Out of Desperation

“My willingness was born out of desperation and experience and its biggest impediment has been my defiance found within an alcoholic insanity.” – Rick W. Tonight at my home group, the chair proposed the topic of willingness. She read from the 12&12 in Step 3 and it was a perfect reminder for everyone in the …



This morning, I went to Take the 12 in the “Step Resources” section (https://www.takethe12.org/project/steps/) and reviewed the “Surrender” piece on that page.  I’m so grateful that as this Step study was being built, I took the time to identify, in MY experience, what it was that I was going to be called to surrender as …

It Is By Self-forgetting That One Finds

It Is By Self-forgetting That One Finds

Last night at my home group, the chair chose the 11th Step Prayer (the Prayer of St. Francis) as the foundation of our discussion. WOW! I love my home group. The shares were revealing, heart-felt, and as authentic as I’ve heard in a long time. Before I share on this, let’s look at that prayer… …

Use Words If You Must

Use Words If You Must

This past weekend, I had the honor of attending the 77th Texas State A.A. Convention in Irving, TX and it was amazing. We heard a lot of great speakers and I wanted to share one thing I heard from one of them in particular. Erin B., Cleveland OH gave an outstanding A.A. talk on Saturday …

The Prep Steps

The Prep Steps

“Have you ever heard of the Prep Steps?” I had never heard anyone say these words out loud or infer that what I’m even sharing in this post is true.  It’s certainly not in our literature anywhere, but it absolutely is MY experience.  The interesting thing about it though is that I only realized this …

Who Am I Really?

Who Am I Really?

Yesterday, I was watching a video on TikTok of actress Renée Elise Goldsberry participating in a “table talk” of other actresses and she said something that really hit me hard that I could instantly identify with. Here is the basic premise of what she said… “One Sunday I was sitting in church and the reverend …

Let Them

Let Them

One of the things that my sobriety has given me (and I certainly didn’t know it would be one of the gifts I was to receive) was learning how to set healthy boundaries for myself. If you are anything like me, you didn’t know the first thing about healthy relationships prior to coming to A.A.  …

As Soon As….

As Soon As….

Tonight at my home group, the chair read from page 47 in the BB in the chapter “We Agnostics.” He started at the top where it states, “When, therefore, we speak to you of God…” and he ended at the bottom of the page in the third paragraph that closes, “So it was comforting to …