The Business of A.A.

The Business of A.A.

The Business of A.A.

[DISCLAIMER: This post was written and is being shared by a member of A.A. for informational purposes only and is in no way connected to Alcoholics Anonymous or the general service structure found therein.]

Have you ever wondered how business decisions are made for the whole of A.A. (in the U.S. and Canada)?

Each year, Alcoholics Anonymous conducts an annual General Service Conference (generally in April) where approximately 130 people come together to vote on things like literature changes, new literature, new processes and procedures, etc.; that help A.A. continue to carry it’s life-saving message to the still suffering alcoholic.

First, let’s look at who these Conference attendees are…

  • Delegates elected from 93 Areas in the U.S. and Canada (the voice of the A.A. groups)
  • 21 trustees from the General Service Board (14 alcoholic and 7 non-alcoholic)
  • Directors from our two corporations (A.A. World Services, Inc. and Grapevine, Inc.)
  • Staff members from both our General Service Office and the Grapevine Office.

They come together each year to vote on submitted agenda items (think “motions” at your home group’s group conscience/business meeting).  Agenda items can be submitted by any member of A.A (or from the list above).  There is a process the submissions go through to make it onto the final agenda for the Conference (see the chart titled, “Process of a Conference Agenda Item” at

Why Am I Sharing This With You Today?

The reason I’m writing this post is there are many A.A. members who don’t know what the process is for their voice to be heard and I just wanted to share it.  If you have an idea or a suggestion on how something needs to be changed, added, or deleted in A.A. in the U.S. and Canada…. there’s a simple form you can fill out and send to the Conference Coordinator to have it be considered.  The deadline for agenda item submissions is September 15th each year!

If you would like to submit an idea and have your voice be heard, download this form and send it to the email address below.  If you have any questions about this process, reach out to your Area’s Delegate, your District’s DCM, or your group’s GSR and they will be happy to help answer any questions you may have.


God Bless!


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