Posts by: Rick W.

When Anyone, Anywhere…

When Anyone, Anywhere…

One of my sponsees called earlier today for a check in and in our conversation, he was sharing about some of the things he had been doing to get out of himself and into helping others, and shared how he was helpful to someone who was not an alcoholic.  He followed that up by quoting …

What Is My Primary Purpose?

What Is My Primary Purpose?

I sat down this morning with a sponsee and we were studying Tradition Five… “Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.” …and while we were reading in the 12&12, on Page 151, next to the last paragraph, it starts off by saying, “Restless one …

The A.A. Grapevine

The A.A. Grapevine

Did You Know the Grapevine is So Much More Than a Magazine? I was sitting in a service workshop earlier today presented by one of our Districts and one of the trusted servants shared passionately about how the Grapevine has impacted her sobriety and her life.  It made me think more about it and I …

12 Concepts: A New Approach

12 Concepts: A New Approach

My home group’s conscience has decided that once a year, we will host a half-day workshop on both the 12 Traditions and the 12 Concepts for World Service so our members have an opportunity to take a deep dive into them.  This past weekend, we hosted our annual 12 Concepts for World Service workshop and …

Upon Awakening

Upon Awakening

Happy Thursday family… A dear friend of mine in the Fellowship sent this to me yesterday and I thought it was worth sharing.  It seems that clear cut direction are up for me this week.  At my home group this past Monday, we had a great discussion on Step 11 (prayer and meditation) and I …

The Business of A.A.

The Business of A.A.

[DISCLAIMER: This post was written and is being shared by a member of A.A. for informational purposes only and is in no way connected to Alcoholics Anonymous or the general service structure found therein.] Have you ever wondered how business decisions are made for the whole of A.A. (in the U.S. and Canada)? Each year, …